Efficacy of blush: It is made of natural mineral powder. The powder is light, soft and delicate, and elegantly decorated. It creates delicate cheeks, makes the face more three-dimensional, and interprets a beautiful and bright makeup. Features: The effect of using the mild pink powder is more textured and real, reflecting a natural and healthy beauty, suitable for oily skin and mixed skin. It can effectively suppress the shine. In order to avoid "overweight" when using, you can apply it on the back of the hand beforehand to reduce the powder on the brush head.
ชื่อ: Tina
ตำแหน่งงาน: General manager
แผนก: President's Office
โทรศัพท์ บริษัท: 18102686160
E-mail: ติดต่อเรา
โทรศัพท์มือถือ: +8618102686160
เว็บไซต์: delisihk.daiinfo.com
ที่อยู่: Hong Kong Delisi cosmetics industry Co., Limited ADD:UNIT 17,9/F TOWER A NEW MANDARIN PLAZA NO 14 SCIENCE MUSEUM RD TST KLN HONG KONG